When Does Snoring Become a Concern?

Have you been sleeping well lately?

For most people, snoring is an embarrassing sleep habit. Studies show that 45% of adults snore in their sleep, which is okay. If you’ve had an extra long day, your muscles become more relaxed when you sleep.

Hitting this deep sleep is what causes snoring. However, loud and frequent snoring can indicate an underlying illness. Read on to discover more about snoring and when it could be a cause of concern.

Snoring: What Is It?

In essence, snoring is noisy breathing. Air passes through relaxed tissues in your throat and causes them to vibrate. When your throat tissues do this, it can result in snoring.

Men and overweight individuals are more likely to snore than others. Snoring can get worse with age, but snoring only now and then is normal.

But if you’re snoring every day, you not only harm the quality of your sleep. Your snoring can also affect the sleep cycles of people sleeping next to you.

There are many possible causes of snoring. A common cause of snoring has blocked nasal airways. Certain sleeping positions may also cause snoring.

Should I Worry About Snoring?


What level of snoring is normal, and when does it become a concern? There are things to look out for to know if you have a snoring problem. Excessive snoring can be a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea.

People with sleep apnea tend to stop breathing for a few moments during sleep. This can manifest as sudden gasps or loud snorts between breaths. If your partner says you stop breathing during sleep or still feel tired during the day despite getting enough hours, it’s best to consult a doctor.

A medical check will help you identify conditions obstructing your airways. This includes persistent nasal congestion brought on by rhinitis or sinusitis. You may also have a deviated septum or swollen tonsils.

Snoring Solutions

If you’re conscious about snoring or worried about disturbing your bed partner, don’t worry. There are some things you can do to reduce snoring.

Cutting back your alcohol consumption before bed is a great place to start. Drinking too much alcohol causes your throat and mouth muscles to relax, which results in snoring. It can also impact your quality of sleep.

Losing weight and quitting smoking are also some ways to reduce snoring. If you often sleep on your back, try sleeping on your side instead. You also want a pillow or headrest that isn’t too high or low, so your spine can rest in its natural alignment.

Committing to these lifestyle changes will do wonders for your sleep habits. You’ll snore less and feel more refreshed when you wake up.

When Should I Be Worried About Snoring?

Snoring is harmless for the most part, but loud and excessive snoring can be a sign of sleep apnea or some other medical concern. If you have snoring problems, it’s always best to contact a professional.

Do you struggle with sleep apnea? Dental appliances can help with snoring and allow you to get better sleep. Contact us today to learn more!